I hit a major slump---nothing creative came to mind, which was very frustrating! Something was 'off', and I couldn't quite grasp what it was. I thought about things quite a bit, and finally figured out exactly what was bothering me. (As a fair warning, I'm going to ramble a bit now...) :-)
One of the things that I HATE most---absolutely detest----are snobby people. Those people that think they are perfect---and no one else is even close, or ever will be, at least according to them. You know the type. (Unfortunately, I think we've all dealt with them at some time in our lives.)
Well, to make a long story short, several days ago, I had the *ahem* 'pleasure' of being snubbed by two of the snobbiest women I've EVER seen in my life. It just happened to be in front of a large group of people....in my youngest son's classroom....right after a play he and his class did for all of the parents. These two 'ladies' (and I use the term loosely) have the whole silver-spoon thing going on----came from a wealthy family (hubby too)---and so do all of their friends. If you're not wealthy, you're just not good enough---at least in their opinion. I'm not wealthy, and my family isn't either. I'm a middle-class, small-town, Iowa farm girl---always have been, always will be, and it makes me who I am. Personally, I have never judged people by the size of their bank balance...some of the most fabulous people I've known in my life didn't have two cents to their name. These 'ladies' do judge by wealth, and I've seen it happen more times than I can count. Unfortunately, I was on the receiving-end of their actions that day, and it was awful. I was so embarassed---then I felt really awful about myself, and then I got REALLY angry. I still am.
I'm not one of those people that can come up with a great verbal response on the spot. I can usually think of something great to say two or three days later, which doesn't do me much good. (I did have a 'gesture' in mind---but I couldn't do that in my son's classroom! :-) )
I still hate the fact that people that don't really matter to me that much can have such an effect over how I feel about myself. I always thought that I would get better about things like this as I got older, but I haven't. I think I'll always struggle with this in some way, and I'll always have to work on not letting other people's actions affect me so much.
OK.....that's probably enough rambling for today. If you've read all the way through this post---thank you, for letting me vent. I hope I didn't end up being too much of a 'downer'. I do want you to enjoy stopping by my blog.
Right now, I'm running late for church, so I'll have to come back later to add the card ingredients. Talk to you later!!
Wow those cards are beautiful. I'm glad to see you back. I read your blog all the time, I just love your work. And I know what you mean, I've met a few "ladies" in my life time too. They're not worth spending any engery on.
Jannette D.
I'm glad that you are back. Your cards are absolutely fantastic! I'm sorry that you had a run-in with those "ladies".
Holy Smokes! I just discovered your blog this morning! Wowza, your work is awesome so detailed and beautiful. Thank you so much for sharing! I can't wait to try a ribbon blossom.
I'm so sorry that the women got to you. I certainly hope by now that you realize what a special person you are, far better than those judgemental biddies. Your talent alone is amazing!
Thanks for sharing and can't wait to see what you come up with next! :o)
Remember, when you have to cut down or hurt others its just because you don't really like yourself money or not. Those "ladies" are just jealous of your talent etc..Love your cards, such great color combos.
I just discovered your blog last night and spent a ton of time pouring over your work. Your cards are amazing! I can't wait to try your ribbon blossom!
Don't let those "ladies" get to you. I think the above poster hit the nail on the head about the jealousy thing. They will get theirs someday when they discover that money isn't what it's all about.
These cards are awesome. Slump over!
Your cards are sooo beautiful! I really love the ribbon blossoms!
LOVE the cards pam!
i wish I had some magical words to help ease the emotional stuff but just continue to hold your head up... you were fearfully and wonderfully made and you are beautiful! REMEMBER, when they leave this earth their bank account will stay here and The Father will not ask them how big it was... He will ask them how they treated their neighbors and what they did to HELP others with that bank account.
Hi Pam! Glad you are back!!! Not much I can add to all the other posters here....it is hurtful when people are insensitive but at the end of the day, their actions and words are meaningless. One of the things I love about all the blogs I frequent now is that we do not judge each other by the kind of house we live in, what we look like, or the friends/family we have. We all have a common respect for each other! Your are very very talented and I am glad you are back! Love the cards you posted today!!
Oh my goodness!! Your cards are absolutley wonderful..still can't get the ribbon blossom figured out, but I LOVE your work:-)
I bet your mother thinks you are a beautiful woman and very kind hearted!!!!!!!!!!!
Your cards are worth the wait! I bet in the long run you are a happier person then those women. Women who cut down other people are usually not happy with themselves. You are very talented!!!!!!!!
I'm sorry to hear about your incident, but it happens all over the world! I live in an upscale part of California and it unfortunately goes on over here as well! I hope that you can get pass this and just be a better person than them and just continue to teach your children the better values in life besides money and materialistic stuff! One thing I probably can bet on is that they probably can't create cards and stuff like you!
Hugs - Terry
Hey! I would just love to see one of those so called ladies make a card even a fraction of the beauty of yours!!! Easier said then done but..... they do not deserve any of the time you have spent thinking about them!!!
I've been following your blog for a long time, but this is the first time I am posting. I LOVE your cards...so inspirational and uplifting.
I had to write because of your experience...I am so sorry, and I can relate. I deal with this constantly but it has gotten easier to deal with...my rationalization is that people who have to treat others this way are really scared insecure children inside who need to make others feel bad just so they can feel uplifted. I feel so sorry for them!...and that's worse!
Pam, your cards are awesome! Stunning. Gorgeous. Each one must have taken a while to make. I can't even begin to count the total layers in the top card. Thanks for the eye candy on this dreary, snowy (hello Spring?) day.
Don't let the you know what's get to you! Don't they know WHO YOU ARE?? They are bee-aches!! You are first class, top notch - remember that every time you see them and grin your million dollar grin, and keep rising above them....sounds like it's not that hard to do since they are so low-down dirty girls! (yes, I use THAT term, "girls" loosely - very loosely!) We heart you!!
Jacque (SCS: Petals)
As my husband would say: Don't let the B------ get you down! Your talented and beautiful, and I agree, nobody should be judged on the size of their bank account! Your cards are wonderful and they are going into Today's Faves on my blog!
omgosh!! These are amazing cards! I am so happy to see you are back to carding and blogging , I missed seeing your work! Don't even give those ladies a second thought, they aren't worth your time! Your work is stunning!!
First, I love your work so I tune in every day just waiting........
second, love your latest cards!
Third, when my daughter was 6, her best friend was a Dr.s daughter. When her friend celebrated her birthday, the mom came into the school to hand out these lovely invitations. When she came to my daughter, she said sorry, I'm all out of invitations, there isn't one for you. My daughter was devastated. Oh I wanted to retaliate, how could someone be so nasty to a sweet 6 year old girl. I could hardly stand to look at her when I met up with her in town, but I guess I didn't really have to worry cause everytime she seen me, her nose was so far up in the air she probably couldn't tell if I was looking or not hehehe
And finally, you should make them one of your beautiful sympathy cards (let them know you reek too, of talent) and inside the card, type...So sorry you are who you are!
You know I'm just kidding right? hehehe
I am soooo glad you are back!!! I have really missed your wonderful creations.... Your work always amazes me. Unfortunately I know EXACTLY the kind of women you are talking about!! Don't let them get you down!!!!
I have to agree with a lot of these comments...Your cards are fabulous...I, like your other readers can see quite the hint of jealousy from those women. You forget about them and remember who YOU are...all that really counts in the end is...What God thinks about you. And,I am sure He thinks highly of you...
Nothing short of stunning on these three cards! Sorry about your unfortunate run-in. I never have a snappy comeback right away either and I have to really hold back on vulgarities and if I don't manage to...then I pray a lot!! I swear it gets harder everyday to be nice. Vent here and feel better! We all love you!!
HI Pam,
I've got you on my Google Reader and was pleased to see you post again!
Sorry to hear you have had a few rough days, but remember our riches are stored in heaven!
You work is absolutely breathtaking - all 3 cards are gorgeous and definitely worth waiting for!
Thanks for sharing!
- Ann
WOW these cards are beautiful...I am going to try one of those blossoms one of these days...lol...and as for the women that got to you here is something for you to remember
"Those that matter do not Judge, and those that Judge do not matter".....I know it is easier said then done...but I have my share of it as well........
I love your Blog and your work is amazing....I do not have a blogger account so just sign me Alanna
Oh Pam so sorry you have gone through that experience, its not nice is it. We have all been there as well, mores the pity!!! Hugs to you, and your cards are just beautiful, as usual, I always know which are your cards when I see them on Splitcoast, you have a definite way with that ribbon lol
So glad to see you back with your Mojo!! Keep your chin up. And....I didn't realize you're from Iowa, so am I. Southeast Iowa.
Thanks Heidi
Just goes to show that money can't buy class right? Who needs them! Don't let the so called ladies get you down girl, you've got mad talent!
Just look how so many people have dropped by to give you a big old hug!
Don't let them get you down! What's that saying "The best revenge is a happy life? Enjoy every moment!!
What I always remember is that people like that like to complain or make themselves feel better by putting someone else down...you just made their day!!! I have a hard time with worrying about what others think too. I bet they haven't seen your cards! They wouldn't be able to say mean things about them!
I'm so sorry about those nasty women. Their lives must be pretty sad... but your cards are some of the most beautiful I've ever seen, I'd like to see them try and make those... ;) They'd probably hire you to do them! ;)
All your cards are beautiful, as always!! I am so sorry this happened to you. You seem so nice, so I feel confident in saying that you didn't deserve whatever they did or said. It is easier to say than to do, but don't let them get you down. We here in the stamping world think you rock, no matter what!!!
Beautiful cards as always...and shame on those ladies, no one has the right to look down at anyone else.
Your cards and work are GORGEOUS! You are an amazingly talented woman!! :)
I'm so sorry you had such an ugly experience with those two 'ladies'. I'm with Hillmarose!!
Ramble and rant all you want. Those snotty ladies don't have anything on you. You're talented, beautiful, have children who love you and us. they don't have that. And besides, your cards are stunning! Don't give them satisfation. Besides, men people get theirs in the end. Keep making these bows you put on these cards. I'd love to know how you do them!
Oh I'm so sorry you had to go through something like that. It really is an awful feeling and it's happened to me as well. It leaves me feeling sad.
I'm happy you are back too! I check your blog often but I know people have busy lives.
Your cards are all so wonderful! I'm still trying to get your ribbon tutorial...I haven't made a nice one yet but I'm thinking it maybe takes practice...lol
Your cards are AWESOME!!! Don't let those ladies get you down~~~they aren't real ladies!!! I too would have wanted to give them a "gesture", or even throw a chair at them, but that's not good in a classroom. :o)
Lovely cards! TFS!
(Don't let those "ladies" get you down. They obviously have a huge problem being themselves...Hold your head high as you have the right idea of value and appreciation.)
I love your cards and Ribbon Blossom.I can't get the tutorial to work,do you still have it available?
Keep up the wonderful inspiring work.
Hi Pam,
I have been admiring your blog for a month or two now, and I must say if there was EVER anyone with any talent You are the one. Your cards are so amazing, I can't begin to express how seeing a new one cheers me. Our Heavenly Father has given you a great gift and you are using it to it's full potential. Remember these words if anyone ever tries to drag you down again.
I have added a link to your blog from mine. I hope you have a minute to check out my cards too.
Wow - gorgeous cards! It's so sad that there are so many women out there like that (no sense calling them ladies, is there?) Just remember that with God there is no favoritism & the Bible warns against it. His love matters more than their acceptance of you! Hope your day is blessed!!!
Wow! Great cards! They are beautiful! Sorry about those "ladies"....I'd say don't waist your time on them.....but you could a little....it really reinforces the way we WILL NEVER BE!
Wow, love these cards a lot, especially with the Always stamp set :)!
OK, Pam...tell those ladies to throw down some stamps and see who's "worthy"! We have all been affected by people like that in our lives at some point...my take on that is this...they are extremely miserable people..they validate themselves my belittling others..pretty sad...SO, as much as it bothered you, realize they are the one's who have the insecurities...You are a talented, amazing woman! and don't you forget it!
So happy you're feeling better..take care of yourself..stress can make you very sick.
Those "ladies" are obviously very insecure in themselves or they wouldn't find it necessary to attack others. The best way to make them feel awful is to do as Scripture recommends..be kind to them for it's like pouring hot coals on their heads. Just the visual imagery should make you feel better! LOL
Your creations are so beautiful. Would love to know how to make the ribbon blossom.
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