I'm a little late in catching up on my posts for MFT's release party---sorry about that! I swear that I've had THE worst luck around release dates lately for the companies I design for. For the last several months, something has either happened with my family (grandfather& great aunt passing away, and all the details that that entails.....OR I end up getting sick.) I love release-parties, don't get me wrong.....they're a fun and exciting time to share the creations that you've 'secretly' been working on for a while and are anxious to share with everyone.....the cards just haven't been stacked in my favor for the last two or three release dates. But, I do try to do my best!
Well, this time, I ended up getting a wicked-nasty-awful sore throat (fever ---102 degrees!---aches, chills, NO energy, etc. etc. etc.....). (Boy, do I sound like a whiner, or what?!?!?) I swear, it felt like I was swallowing shards of glass----ouchy!! I'm just glad my family didn't catch the same bug----at least not yet, anyway. Luckily, I found some left-over antibiotics from a past prescription, so I started taking those, which helped immensely. (I'm an RN, and, YES, I know that you're not supposed to do that, but at 11PM, I'll do whatever I can to start feeling better.)
OK.....on to the good stuff!
These cards are made from two new sets, now available from My Favorite Things (http://www.mftstamps.com/). The adorable little gardening gal is a set called 'Can Ya' Dig It'. An adorable set with a ton of images that are SO much fun to color! The mini-set for this month is 'Mother's Day'. A must-have set for this time of year! These are two sets you'll find yourself reaching for over and over again!
I really need to say a HUGE 'thank-you' to all of you that left such wonderful, encouraging, sweet, heartfelt comments regarding my run-in with the. *ahem*, 'ladies'.........you turned my whole day around! I went from feeling rotten about myself to walking around with a big ol' grin on my face for several days. Even though I've never met any of you 'in-person'......you all mean so very much to me, and I thank you for being so wonderful!! BIG hugs to ALL of you!!!
I'll be back a bit later today with another peek from another new-release, plus something just for fun! Until then.....have a wonderful Sunday morning! Hugs to you!!!
Oh, Pam -- these are ALL GORGEOUS! You have some serious paper magic happening at your house!
And I read your previous post for the first time this a.m., too -- if you will continue to dig the graves for my dead gigolos, I will give any one that messes with you a verbal tongue lashing they will never forget! Seriously, I've made more than one grown man cry (not DH -- he knows I'm all bark ;) ) because they've mistreated me or someone I care for. Not that I'm proud of this skill, but it occasionally comes in handy... So those women who were hateful to you? I say "Bring it on!!!" I've got your back, sister. : )
I love your new cards. That stamp set is super cute. How does someone become a designer for a stamp company? I would love to reach that goal someday. Keep up the good work. Hugs to you too!
These are stunning, Pam! I'm so glad you're feeling better. :)
Glad you are feeling better Pam. Love the cards, especially the green and orange one. My kitchen used to be those colors!!!!
Pam, these are all truly stunning! So sorry to hear you were sick, this has been a brutal cold and flu season.
Gorgeous work with the new MFT sets!
Wow! What beautiful cards - gorgeous - you are just amazing!
Glad your feeling better!
Hope your string of bad luck it over!!! These cards are gorgeous as usual!!! I am glad to see you posted today; I was going to send you a note because I was getting concerned after your last post!!
Absolutely gorgeous cards AGAIN!!!! I have never seen one of your cards that I don't love. And, of course, the ribbon blossom!!! Love it, still can't do it right!!
Glad to hear you're feeling better. I know where I work, people are dropping like flies with stuff going around1!
oh wow!!! As always these cards are awesome!!! All of them, they are just fantastic:-)
These are all amazing Pam!!! I love the colors, the layouts, and all the little details that you are so fabulous at adding!! Awesome job!!
Gorgeous as always!!! You are truly a gifted artist and a super sweet person!! TFS and I am so happy you are doing better!!
I read your previous post and....with all of your talent, you need only go to your SCS gallery or the comments on this blog to TOTALLY AFFIRM...what an amazing person you are. They have no idea the beauty that comes from your hands. They have no idea the people you bless with your blog and your creations. Do they really matter? Do you run in their circles? Shame on them and God sees what they have done and said. He will be the one to judge them for it one day. As for you...it seems as though you held your head high and were by far the classier person in the situation. For money cannot buy class, which has ultimately been proven by their boorish behavior.
Let them go...they mean NOTHING to you. Your family and your friends...they are what matters. And as I first mentioned...you need only go back through your gallery and blog comments for affirmation of your glory! Shine on my dear Farm Friend! They aren't worth a moment of your time. :)
BTW - I ADORE all the cards. The colors and depth in your cards is just amazing. You create cards that are totally unique to you alone. No one else makes cards like you. They area AMAZING!
Pam, Your cards are incredibly stunning! Have you ever thought of doing a tutorial on how you color with the Copics? Your coloring is spectacular. I'm just learning to use my Copics.
Thanks so much for sharing all your beautiful creations! You are truly inspiring.
I have missed stopping by your blog to see your beautiful style. Glad to hear you are feeling better and feeling up to making more lovely creations!
Wonderful cards. I just found your blog and think all your cards are wonderful. Will you share how you make those wonderful bows (almost look like flowers). They are so beautiful and I love the multicolors in them. thanks for sharing.
Great cards. Will you please share how you make those beautiful ribbon bows-flowers with different colors. I just found your blog and really want to know how you do them. Thanks for sharing.
Pam - what a comeback baby! You never cease to amaze me with your gorgeous cards and projects! These cards are fabulous! Thank you for sharing...the good and the bad! As for Carole...I'm a little scared-glad she's on your side! *I'd better watch my step though ;)
Pam these are all wonderful!! I love what you did with the new stamps!! Fabulous!
Glad to hear you are feeling better! It's been a long flu season here where we are...seems to do it's rounds in the house...ugh! Hope nobody else gets sick!
These are sooooooo GORGEOUS -- I always love the way you layer your cards -- so fantastic!!
Beautiful cards as usual! That flu is nasty stuff hope you are feeling 100% soon.
Stunning cards. I am especially drawn to the second one; love the orange and green. Thanks for sharing.
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